Sri Granth: Shabad/Paurhi/Salok SGGS Page 1288
Shabad/Paurhi/Salok     Guru Granth Sahib Page 1288
ਪੜਿਆ ਲੇਖੇਦਾਰੁ ਲੇਖਾ ਮੰਗੀਐ ॥  
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ਪੜਿਆ ਲੇਖੇਦਾਰੁ ਲੇਖਾ ਮੰਗੀਐ
पड़िआ लेखेदारु लेखा मंगीऐ ॥
Paṛi▫ā lekẖeḏār lekẖā mangī▫ai.
The learned and educated are called to account for their actions.

पउड़ी ॥

ਵਿਣੁ ਨਾਵੈ ਕੂੜਿਆਰੁ ਅਉਖਾ ਤੰਗੀਐ
विणु नावै कूड़िआरु अउखा तंगीऐ ॥
viṇ nāvai kūṛi▫ār a▫ukẖā ṯangī▫ai.
Without the Name, they are judged false; they become miserable and suffer hardship.

ਅਉਘਟ ਰੁਧੇ ਰਾਹ ਗਲੀਆਂ ਰੋਕੀਆਂ
अउघट रुधे राह गलीआं रोकीआं ॥
A▫ugẖat ruḏẖe rāh galī▫āʼn rokī▫āʼn.
Their path becomes treacherous and difficult, and their way is blocked.

ਸਚਾ ਵੇਪਰਵਾਹੁ ਸਬਦਿ ਸੰਤੋਖੀਆਂ
सचा वेपरवाहु सबदि संतोखीआं ॥
Sacẖā veparvāhu sabaḏ sanṯokẖī▫āʼn.
Through the Shabad, the Word of the True and Independent Lord God, one becomes content.

ਗਹਿਰ ਗਭੀਰ ਅਥਾਹੁ ਹਾਥ ਲਭਈ
गहिर गभीर अथाहु हाथ न लभई ॥
Gahir gabẖīr athāhu hāth na labẖ▫ī.
The Lord is deep and profound and unfathomable; His depth cannot be measured.

ਮੁਹੇ ਮੁਹਿ ਚੋਟਾ ਖਾਹੁ ਵਿਣੁ ਗੁਰ ਕੋਇ ਛੁਟਸੀ
मुहे मुहि चोटा खाहु विणु गुर कोइ न छुटसी ॥
Muhe muhi cẖotā kẖāhu viṇ gur ko▫e na cẖẖutsī.
Without the Guru, the mortals are beaten and punched in the face and the mouth, and no one is released.

ਪਤਿ ਸੇਤੀ ਘਰਿ ਜਾਹੁ ਨਾਮੁ ਵਖਾਣੀਐ
पति सेती घरि जाहु नामु वखाणीऐ ॥
Paṯ seṯī gẖar jāhu nām vakẖāṇī▫ai.
Chanting the Naam, the Name of the Lord, one returns to his true home with honor.

ਹੁਕਮੀ ਸਾਹ ਗਿਰਾਹ ਦੇਂਦਾ ਜਾਣੀਐ ॥੨੩॥
हुकमी साह गिराह देंदा जाणीऐ ॥२३॥
Hukmī sāh girāh ḏeʼnḏā jāṇī▫ai. ||23||
Know that the Lord, by the Hukam of His Command, gives sustenance and the breath of life. ||23||

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